After Care

Second Skin / Hypafix /Tegaderm / Ultraderm

This is the clear plastic-like bandage that you can see your tattoo through, it can be left on for 24 to 72 hours. For best results when you’re ready to remove the bandage, do it slowly from the corners inward - preferably in the shower with unscented soap and warm water.

Note: You can shower with this type of bandage prior to removal without any problems, just no baths!

Avoid direct sunlight when wearing your second skin (etc.) bandage.

In the event of a bad reaction remove the bandage immediately. Bad reactions can include redness, severe itching, burning feelings surrounding the area of your bandage.

Wrapped Bandage

3-12 hours after being tattooed you can remove your wrap. Don’t freak out, there might be some dried blood or ink on the bandage (this is normal) ! Wash tattoo with warm water and unscented soap.

After Either Bandage Is Removed

Once your new tattoo is washed and gently patted dry, you can moisturize it with a light layer of unscented lotion or Aquaphor.

Note: do not use Vaseline or Polysporin as this can affect the healing process.

You can then continue to apply a thin layer of your unscented lotion or Aquaphor 2 to 3 times a day until the healing process has calmed down.

In 2-3 days after your bandage is off the tattoo will begin to flake or scab do not pick at or scratch your new tattoo! That is how ink falls out and nasty infections form.

Helpful Tips

  • The first (and maybe second) night after removing your bandage, wear clothing to bed that covers your new tattoo to avoid residual ink leaking on your sheets.

  • Keep your fresh tat out of direct sunlight for at least 2 weeks to protect from burns or sun damage. UV RAYS are bad bad bad for fresh ink.

  • Do not re-bandage your tattoos

  • Do not apply sunscreen to a new healing tattoo it is an open wound and needs time to heal. sunscreen can really mess with the healing process so protecting it with clothing coverage instead is a great alternative!

  • Do not submerge your new tattoo in water; this means no long self care baths, sexy hot tubbing, river rafting adventures and skinny dips in pools for at a minimum of 2-4 weeks depending on the work. Water can cause infection and poor healing.

  • Avoid tanning beds for 2-3 weeks

  • Wear loose clothing over your tattoo while it heals to avoid rubbing or pulling off any scabs

  • After it is healed apply sunscreen when ever your tat will have sun exposure because over time the sun will fade your tattoo

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